Why God Desires Your Shameless Persistent Prayer
When God answers your prayers, sometimes it’s right away. But often not, right? What do you do in those circumstances? Do you keep praying the same thing over and again, or do you drop it, not wanting to “nag” God?
When you were a child, did your parents allow you to ask them over and over for something? Do you allow your kids to do that?
For most of us, we were discouraged from nagging away at our parents. It’s not a bad thing, teaching children to be patient or instructing them that sometimes you just get a “no.”
But how does that work when you approach God? Do you carry that learning into your relationship with your heavenly father?
What if I told you that God delights in your persistence in prayer?
God is not a Genie
Before we take another step, let’s get this out there. God is the almighty creator of the universe. He doesn’t live in a bottle, he doesn’t grant 3 wishes when he’s called upon.
For the rest of this article, you’re going to see a lot of talk about persistent prayer. I’m not teaching you that God is in the habit of writing blank checks for his children just because they ask for it.
The last thing I want you to think is that if you consistently pray the same thing that you’ll somehow wear God down and he’ll bend to your wishes.
Or, if you’re like me you can identify with what Jeffery Curtis Poor from Rethink wrote in his article Dear God…A Lesson in Prayer:
My prayer life looked more like a series of sales pitches rather than an authentic relationship.
Jeffery Curtis Poor, Rethink
Please keep that in mind here. We’re not talking about prosperity or comfort.
Teach us to Pray
In Luke chapter 11, just after Jesus teaches the Lord’s prayer to his disciples, he provides an illustration. That’s in Luke 11:5-13.
He tells the story of someone who receives an unexpected visitor and needs some bread to feed his guest. So he goes to another friend and asks for some food to share.
Except it’s midnight, and the man says, “Hey. My kids are finally asleep and I’m already in bed. Seriously, go away before you wake them. Don’t you know what time it is? It’s midnight!”
But then Jesus says,
I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his impudence he will rise and give him whatever he needs.
Luke 11:8 (ESV)
Impudence. Now there’s a word you don’t use every day. And in this context, it carries significant implications concerning prayer.
The Greek word there is anaideia and guess what? It means shameless persistence. So because of shameless persistence, the sleeping guy will get out of bed and hand over whatever he needs. So Jesus is saying,
And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Luke 11:9 (ESV)
Ask, seek, knock. See the persistence? You wouldn’t stop praying for your unsaved child just because she wasn’t saved after 2 prayers, would you?
Faith Pleases God
God actually delights in your asking over and again for what you need, even though he already knows before you ask. That’s because your shameless persistent prayers show your reliance on him, and your faith is pleasing to God.
It’s beyond valuable to point out here that Jesus isn’t talking about receiving food or a new car or something. Here’s how Jesus ends that illustration:
If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
Luke 11:13 (ESV)
It’s all about God. Believe me, there is nothing in the world that you could pray to receive that could even come close to the Holy Spirit.
But what happens when your shameless, persistent prayer goes unanswered? How do you press on without losing hope?
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
In Luke 18, Jesus told a parable that would encourage his followers to “always pray and not lose heart.”
You can find that in Luke 18:1-8. And when you read that, you’re going to find even more instruction to carry on in your prayer.
And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’ For a while he refused, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’ ”
Luke 18:3-5 (ESV)
So here’s a local ruler who arrogantly proclaims that he doesn’t care about God or other people, but this woman keeps asking him for a ruling in her favor.
And check out the language that’s used in this parable. Kept coming. Keeps bothering. Continual coming.
Why Persistent Prayer
Some people believe that to ask God more than once shows a lack of faith. Maybe you were taught that. It’s wrong teaching, but allow me to show you why.
Before I do, let’s first acknowledge that sometimes the Holy Spirit does lead us to let a thing go. But to teach that praying more than once for something lacks faith may have severe negative results.
You could become lazy in your prayers, kinda checking them off one by one and on to the next one. That could rob you of an opportunity to have a testimony about God’s faithfulness.
Praying for a thing once and letting it go could bring self reliance into play, too. If you get your heart and mind set on something but don’t keep it before the Lord, waiting for God’s reply could enable you to start finding other avenues to bring about what you’ve asked for.
That’s how it would work for me at least, and I know it.
Follow Christ in Persistent Prayer
Do we agree that the Bible is teaching shameless, persistent prayer? If we’re following Jesus, then he is our teacher, the example that we must follow.
So, leaving them again, he went away and prayed for the third time, saying the same words again.
Matthew 26:44 (ESV)
Jesus modeled a prayerful life. How many times did he get away to pray? He taught prayer, providing his disciples and us with an example in what we call The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15).
Hopefully this will encourage you to press on in prayer and press in closer to God. Don’t be ashamed to rely on him for all things, overwhelming or insignificant. He cares for you so much that he want’s to hear from you on everything.
So if nothing else, remember this phrase: shameless, persistent prayer.
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My persistent prayer is for the salvation of my family and that my ex husband’s (Muslim) meets Jesus and give his life to him, so he can have eternal life for him and hopefully his family after.
God bless you Gene!
Wow Linda, I’m with you on that. Family that is not walking with God is painful, and that’s the right perspective you have: so they can have eternal life. I will certainly be praying, thank you for sharing!
My persistent prayer is to have more than what I need to do the will of God and abound in every good work, funding for the ministry God committed into my hands, to be free of financial debts and good health.
I thank God for the insight gained fresh into the word ” imprudence. “
Hey Matthew, all good things! I can testify that when God calls to ministry he most certainly provides and directs. In that there are seasons of struggle and there are bountiful seasons. But God is always present and our obedience is critical. Always remember to let God lead and let his vision for your ministry pull the weight. Hope that’s encouraging. Thank you for allowing me to pray with you!
Hi could you continue to pray for my daughter Natina,She is an alcoholic and has been struggling to get free of addiction for close to 15 years.She has had two lots of children taken off her and the family has literally gone through hell because of her .I am a recovered alcoholic myself. Apart from myself and my wife the rest of the family has had to disown her .I continue to pray for her regularly,I have felt like giving up many times,but something keeps me praying for her, its literally the only thing I can do,I have had moments of thinking whats the use,but I still love her,, even though I sometimes hate what her addiction makes her do.
She has come pretty close to dying many times,sometimes from her own doing.
I know she is a good woman ,but the addiction sometimes makes her a monster at times
I agree with you about the need for persistent prayer,though I find it easier to pray for others than for myself.
Hi Brent, by all means, you’ve got it, I will be praying for you, your family, and especially Natina. This is not an easy lane to live in for her or for you and your wife. I know it’s difficult, and I understand wanting to give up sometimes but you’re doing the right thing not only by pressing on, by by inviting others to be a part of your journey and battles. You’re absolutely right, prayer is all we’ve got because no one but God can rescue. Stay the course. I’m with you in prayer, but far more than that, God is with you in ways we can’t comprehend.
That my son will return to fellowship with his Savior and love Him with all of his heart, mind, soul, and strength. That he will worship, love, honor, and walk in his ways. That he will get back in church and be the godly husband and daddy God desires.
Hey Barbara, I am right there with you. I do know how you’re feeling about your son and I’ve been praying for him. I’m thankful you asked for these prayers, and good to hear from you again. 🙂
Thank you so much Gene for this article concerning Persistent Shameless Prayer. I really needed to hear this today.
I have been struggling these past few days with praying about issues that I currently have going on in my life. But after reading your article today, it has inspired me to peruse the Lord persistently.
Thank you so much again for this encouraging article.
Please pray for me as I continue to seek the Lord for strength while dealing with my Mother who has Dementia. A Nephew who will not step up and get a job. And for my Brother who has decided to no longer to pay me rent. I need God to move in a might way for me.
Hi Steve, I’m very thankful that this article has encouraged you. It sure seems like you have your hands full! Continue to pursue the Lord in all of these things. Even when things aren’t going so easy he is still there. Praying with you on these matters!
This was exactly what I needed at this time. My persistent prayer is the grace to know more about christ, his will for my life and my family, and to have financial breakthrough
Hi Arinola, so glad you found this and it’s what you needed! I’ll join you in your prayers as well. Thank you for your comment!
A great write-up on the importance of persistent prayer! Sometimes it’s taught from the platform that you pray once for something and to do more than that is to be praying from a lack of faith! Sheesh! Another resource for equipping the saints: https://levaire.com/spiritual-warfare-prayers-and-scriptures/
Hi, That was a great article. My persistent prayer is to be healed from IBS.
Thank you Stephanie, I can agree with your prayer and will be praying along with you for that. He is able!
My son has totally quit coming to church. He has been deeply hurt by many Christians in his life. He once served as our youth leader. Since my husband died and our very successful business was left to him, he has gone bankrupt in the business and later lost his home and 43 acres. I will not stop asking God to bring him back and remind him of the Word he has tucked away in his heart. He has very little to do with me now.
Barbara, I’m so sorry to hear these details yet I’m thankful you’ve reminded me of your son. I will include you and your son in my ongoing prayers, and have already added you to my list. I agree, do not stop asking our God to bring your son back. I’m praying and agreeing in prayer with you.